Thursday 17 December 2015

An attempt at drawing Wash from Firefly (Alan Tudyk) using the image below as reference. This was done as part of a sketching challenge on my iPad. It could use some extra touches here and there but  it turned out a lot better than i thought it would, and I'm fairly happy with the result as it is the first proper sketch I've done using digital drawing software for almost four years.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

So I downloaded a new app which allows me to use a very basic version of Photoshop. The image below was a drawn by me in pencil and pretty much finger painted in the app. This is the result of about an hour of figuring out how the app works and strangely using my finger instead of a pencil to draw, which I haven't done since I was very young.

But when I actually buy a stylus for my iPad, things will hopefully start to look a bit better.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

The first self portrait I've done since high school.

It's Me!

Another quick sketch for no real reason. I may not be adding description to some of these from now on.
I wanted to draw something I don't really have practise with. I chose a horse, I took some reference images and made it cartoony. With a bit more practise I think it could be better.
A random page from I don't even know when. Just a couple of sketches from when I was presumably bored.

Another piece for a campaign world that never was. I drew this about 4 years ago but as I couldn't play D&D with my friends I didn't get around to finishing it. It was going to be a town square with an arcane/ magic clock tower in the centre.
I wanted to make a banner for my name. As I don't have access to a working computer this'll have to do for now.
A quick sketch of my friend to use on her YouTube channel.
This was a quick sketch I made for a friend who was going to start a YouTube channel with her boyfriend at the time. She was into minecraft and he was going to play call of duty and football games. 

The Ancient Door

Another piece of a campaign world. This was going to be the start of a Raid Dungeon where the players would work together. Only half the door was actually finished so I cut out the other half.

Surreal Landscape

A SAO inspired landscape, I was thinking of using it in a D&D campaign for my friends. Although it could use some work, the concept is there and if I were to add it into the campaign world it could work as a backdrop for the start of the game.

Study of a rose

I tried to draw a rose as a sort of tribute. Using references I was able to produce this. Sadly I was unable to finish it, but what I have so far looks pretty good.

Study of an Owl

A few months ago I was talking to a friend, she told me she wanted to get a tattoo and she was thinking of getting an owl. Using some references I was able to draw this and I think it turned out pretty well. 

Tree, Unfinished

This is a tree I was drawing last year. I was just trying to see if I could still draw after a year or so without drawing.

RPG Sketches

I wanted to write a new campaign for my friends and these are some of the design ideas I had for armour and a boss for later in the game.

Yogscast style

After drawing Kim I thought I'd try some of the others in the yogscast. Some are better than others to be honest but still.

Kim Sketch

So I was watching the yogscast live stream and I attempted a yogscast style drawing. It could use some work but I think it looks alright for the first sketch. 

It's Craig's Post Not Yours

Yet another idea from years ago. My friends and I have been playing dungeons and dragons for years, and every now and again I have ideas which mix up the story such as new meeting places or ways to meet.
This is a medieval version of Craigslist. Some guy called Craig put a post in the middle of the town and adventurers started using it to advertise and take jobs. I thought it would make my friends laugh at least.
From many years ago, when I was watching the apprentice I apparently drew Alan Sugar. I don't remember doing this at all.

It's how he rolls!

I had an idea a few years ago about a nerd who'd just had enough and started taking revenge on his enemies. I thought it would be interesting if he decided on the method via the use of a d20 and a list of nerd culture references. I finally got around to drawing the initial sketch after 4 years. 

First Post

For the very first post of my art blog I thought I'd add a quick sketch of myself. I like this style of drawing and most of my portraits recently are this style.

Sadly at the moment I am unable to access a working computer otherwise I'd have digital copies of this work... But as it's pencil and fountain pen I think that it does look pretty good.